Supporting Caregivers During The Pandemic

Supporting Caregivers During The Pandemic

The challenges and strains of caregiving has been exacerbated due to the pandemic. It has raised stress levels of family caregivers and affected their mental health. In a recent article in Medical News Today caregivers report :

· an increased sense of isolation and reduced access to official sources of support due to physical distancing measures

· increased financial strain

· delays or cancellations in formal primary care services for themselves and their loved ones

For caregivers offering care to an individual with a form of dementia, the challenge is even greater as they have to render care to an individual who doesn't understand the impact of the pandemic or why changes to their routine has become necessary.

Call To Action- Support For Caregivers

Programs/ services, help lines, agencies, and facilities have rallied to offer continued support to caregivers. Here are examples of what is available:

Þ Virtual caregiver support groups via Zoom or teleconferencing Alzheimer's Association, AlzheimerNJ

Þ Help Line from helpline, locally ALZNJ and other professional organizations such Lewy Body Helpline and Frontal Lobe Dementia Helpline

Þ Day Care Programs continue to offer programs via Zoom Kaplen JCC on-line classes

Þ Home health agencies, memory care and additional long- term care facilities are actively taking routine precautions to monitor and support the health of staff and residents. They have re-opened for both permanent and brief. respite stays

Þ Non-Profit community based programs for older adults such as age-friendlyenglewood offer updates and a wide range of resources to connect caregivers to services such as meals on wheels, grocery and prescription delivers, sources of virtual entertainment and activities for both the caregiver and individual with dementia.

Professionals like myself continue to offer services to caregivers. The pandemic has only changed the way we connect but has not reduced our availability nor our assistance to help you find solutions and needed support.

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